• Dave Andresen

    Dave Andresen - Director of IT

    Dave grew up in eastern Iowa where at a young age, his father taught him and his siblings how to fish. It became a passion for him and during the spring and summertime, you could find his stringer full of Midwest favorites.

    Motivated to serve his country following the events of September 11, 2001, he signed up for the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman where he served on active duty with a Marine Corps infantry company. After a combat deployment to Iraq, he went to the Navy Reserves where he finished his contract. Not feeling complete with the service yet, he joined the Army as a Cavalry Scout where he was sent on his final combat deployment to Iraq.

    After an honorable discharge, his schooling and work experience exposed him to data analysis and programming. He never stopped fishing, but recently started hunting, and understands the importance of connecting to an organization and community like Heroes’ Harvests. Having first hand experience of how positive it can be to get connected and outdoors, it’s an honor and privilege for him to support the organization.